I have a table that has Division, Unit, Assigned to, Rank, cell number
Not all entries have a rank - for example a shared vehicle cell phone.
I want to create a report that shows all the cell phones, but listed in rank order.
Below is how the query is currently built.
SELECT Employees.[Assigned To], Employees.Division, Employees.Unit, Employees.[Mobile number], Employees.[Print on Report], Ranks.Rank, Ranks.[Rank Order]
FROM Employees INNER JOIN Ranks ON Employees.Rank = Ranks.Rank
WHERE (((Employees.[Print on Report])=Yes));
When it is run, it only shows records that have a rank - it does not show records that do not have a rank (i.e. the shared cell phones).
How can I generate a report that shows all the cell phones whether or not they have a rank.
Thank you.
Not all entries have a rank - for example a shared vehicle cell phone.
I want to create a report that shows all the cell phones, but listed in rank order.
Below is how the query is currently built.
SELECT Employees.[Assigned To], Employees.Division, Employees.Unit, Employees.[Mobile number], Employees.[Print on Report], Ranks.Rank, Ranks.[Rank Order]
FROM Employees INNER JOIN Ranks ON Employees.Rank = Ranks.Rank
WHERE (((Employees.[Print on Report])=Yes));
When it is run, it only shows records that have a rank - it does not show records that do not have a rank (i.e. the shared cell phones).
How can I generate a report that shows all the cell phones whether or not they have a rank.
Thank you.