I'm getting the following mail every 20 minutes
Ok, I have no idea what sendmail-msp is... but I get the idea that this is a cron thing, so off to /etc/crontab I go, and nothing matches... so off to /etc/cron.d I go, and i find a file called sendmail
Ini it I see the following line
I'm going to figure this is the problem...
But it doesn't mean anything to me. Is there something I should install or deinstall?
Running: Debian Sarge
MTA: exim-4
From: Cron <smmsp@machineName>
To: root@machineName
Subject: Cron <smmsp@machineName> test -x /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp
/usr/share/sendmail/sendmail: line 812: /usr/sbin/sendmail-msp: No such file or directory
Ok, I have no idea what sendmail-msp is... but I get the idea that this is a cron thing, so off to /etc/crontab I go, and nothing matches... so off to /etc/cron.d I go, and i find a file called sendmail
Ini it I see the following line
# Every so often, give sendmail a chance to run the MSP queues.
*/20 * * * * smmsp test -x /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp
I'm going to figure this is the problem...
But it doesn't mean anything to me. Is there something I should install or deinstall?
Running: Debian Sarge
MTA: exim-4