This is an ongoing problem I've been trying to solve regaurding our NT Sever box runnning Exchange 5.5
We keep getting NetBT 4319 errors in the System Event Log. Sometimes as many as 3 or 4 per minute but usually at least 1 per 3 minutes. The message is as below...
"A duplicate name has been detected on the TCP network. The IP address of the machine that sent the message is in the data. Use nbtstat -n in a command window to see which name is in the Conflict state."
I've reviewed the hex data and retrieved the IP of the conflicting machine from the error and it seems to be occuring from multiple computers.
However when I use NBTSTAT -N and NBTSTAT -A for each IP the NetBIOS tables display without conflicts or any names that are conflicting.
NBTSTAT -N on the Server...
HGBEAE01 <00> UNIQUE Registered
HGBEAE01 <20> UNIQUE Registered
HMDMAIL <00> GROUP Registered
HMDMAIL <1C> GROUP Registered
HMDMAIL <1E> GROUP Registered
HGBEAE01 <03> UNIQUE Registered
EXCHSVC <03> UNIQUE Registered
CAROOT <03> UNIQUE Registered
NBTSTAT -A for the IP from the NetBT Error
BF-2460DP <00> UNIQUE Registered
SALES <00> GROUP Registered
BF-2460DP <20> UNIQUE Registered
SALES <1E> GROUP Registered
Does anyone have any thoughts as to how to proceed in disgnosing this?
Steve G (MCP)
We keep getting NetBT 4319 errors in the System Event Log. Sometimes as many as 3 or 4 per minute but usually at least 1 per 3 minutes. The message is as below...
"A duplicate name has been detected on the TCP network. The IP address of the machine that sent the message is in the data. Use nbtstat -n in a command window to see which name is in the Conflict state."
I've reviewed the hex data and retrieved the IP of the conflicting machine from the error and it seems to be occuring from multiple computers.
However when I use NBTSTAT -N and NBTSTAT -A for each IP the NetBIOS tables display without conflicts or any names that are conflicting.
NBTSTAT -N on the Server...
HGBEAE01 <00> UNIQUE Registered
HGBEAE01 <20> UNIQUE Registered
HMDMAIL <00> GROUP Registered
HMDMAIL <1C> GROUP Registered
HMDMAIL <1E> GROUP Registered
HGBEAE01 <03> UNIQUE Registered
EXCHSVC <03> UNIQUE Registered
CAROOT <03> UNIQUE Registered
NBTSTAT -A for the IP from the NetBT Error
BF-2460DP <00> UNIQUE Registered
SALES <00> GROUP Registered
BF-2460DP <20> UNIQUE Registered
SALES <1E> GROUP Registered
Does anyone have any thoughts as to how to proceed in disgnosing this?
Steve G (MCP)