Hi all! There is a table when you click on the edit button, buffering is =CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 3)
This happens when =CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 1) is commented out, when uncommented: I get the error [highlight #FCE94F]"There is no ) in the name of the function"[/highlight]. The table has "stop" "continue". When I click "Continue" a table appears "Operator and operand type mismatch" and "Stop" "Continue". And when I click "Continue" everything is OK, both applications continue to work and the last change is [highlight #FCE94F]displayed[/highlight] on another application.
When saving, buffering is set to =CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 1) (I don’t know if this is necessary, I’m doing it from an example). If it is needed,then i should insert =CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 1) on the cancel edit button.
I am building an application. Everything works well until the moment when editing starts from two applications of the same record. ERROR [highlight #FCE94F]"Conflict update in cursor"[/highlight]
I found a similar discussion but i try to handle error 1585 but not working even though i have OTHERWISE, but it doesnt work PROCEDURE ERRORHND
I suppose PROCEDURE ERRORHND does not work for me in the built application
This happens when =CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 1) is commented out, when uncommented: I get the error [highlight #FCE94F]"There is no ) in the name of the function"[/highlight]. The table has "stop" "continue". When I click "Continue" a table appears "Operator and operand type mismatch" and "Stop" "Continue". And when I click "Continue" everything is OK, both applications continue to work and the last change is [highlight #FCE94F]displayed[/highlight] on another application.
When saving, buffering is set to =CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 1) (I don’t know if this is necessary, I’m doing it from an example). If it is needed,then i should insert =CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 1) on the cancel edit button.
I am building an application. Everything works well until the moment when editing starts from two applications of the same record. ERROR [highlight #FCE94F]"Conflict update in cursor"[/highlight]
I found a similar discussion but i try to handle error 1585 but not working even though i have OTHERWISE, but it doesnt work PROCEDURE ERRORHND
LOCAL lnMsgResult
lnMsgResult = ;
MESSAGEBOX('While you were making adjustments, +;
'Someone already changed this entry. ' +;
'Will you overwrite your changes?', 20, 'Attention!')
IF lnMsgResult = 6
lnMsgResult = MESSAGEBOX('Error code ' + STR(ERRORCODE,4)+CHR(13)+;
MESSAGE() + [ ] + MESSAGE([1]) + CHR(13)+;
'Abort? ',20,' Error found ')
IF lnMsgResult = 6
I suppose PROCEDURE ERRORHND does not work for me in the built application