Ok, i use the below code to requset a new FolderName from the Client and when they hit Submit, I want to present a confirmation of some sort with what the new Path would look like (response.Write(request.form("path") & "/" & request.form("FolderName"))..
However, i'm not sure the best way to go, everyone always say use Javascript to do this but how do I refer to the Form Fields, request the confirmation and then depending on the answer, either Process a new ASP page or SUB or if the answer No, Redirect them back to a particular page?
If anyone know of a clean script already that would allow me to do this type of thing, i'd love to see it, mine works but i find it kind of nasty.
However, i'm not sure the best way to go, everyone always say use Javascript to do this but how do I refer to the Form Fields, request the confirmation and then depending on the answer, either Process a new ASP page or SUB or if the answer No, Redirect them back to a particular page?
If anyone know of a clean script already that would allow me to do this type of thing, i'd love to see it, mine works but i find it kind of nasty.
<% elseif request.QueryString("action")="add" then %>
<form action="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=addFolder" method="post">
<input type="text" name="FolderName">
<input type="hidden" name="path" value="<%=request.QueryString("path")%>">
<input type="submit">
<% elseif request.QueryString("action") ="addFolder" then %>
What to do?
<% End if%>