I configured a new general number areacode (123) 3217000 - 3217099 with nutri and nansi:numtyp=ex. But when i dial the number 3217000 it says 'vacant number'. What have I missed or doing wrong?
Hi kobro
You are sending a lot of questions on this forum.
Have You any documentation of MD?
May be You need a course.
And your question
IOPWP still work in BC 12 but this command is only for IPU board if is used as I/O board.
I'm 99,9% sure that You have NIU (or NIU-2) board.
To set connection over NIU You must use command IOUAx where x:
x=C – change
x=E – End ( dangerous command ) You must know what You are doing
x=I – Initiate new account to MD
x=P – Print actual settings but no password are be printed.
If anything can go wrong, it will. (Murphy's Law)
Thanks for the information, btw is there a limit to questions one can put on forum? I don't have a documentation on MD and my provider doesn't wants me to know more than the basic info anything else is not free. Hence my questions on forum.
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