Does anyone has configured a Checkpoint NG FP3, to connect via ipsec two networks against an OpenBSD 3.2? i can make openbsd and checkpoint to connect , but when is time to pass traffic between both networks i got the following errors on the Checkpoing LOG
23Dec2002 18:35:36 drop 200.29.XX.AAAA >hme0 product: VPN-1 & FireWall-1; src:; dst: CCC.DDD.EEE.FF; proto: icmp; icmp-type: 8; icmp-code: 0; scheme: IKE; dstkeyid: 0x7136d1c0; methods: ESP: 3DES + MD5; peer gateway: 200.HH.JJ.KK; encryption failure: Different community ID, possible NAT problem;
Any ideas where can i start looking for a solution?
Does anyone has configured a Checkpoint NG FP3, to connect via ipsec two networks against an OpenBSD 3.2? i can make openbsd and checkpoint to connect , but when is time to pass traffic between both networks i got the following errors on the Checkpoing LOG
23Dec2002 18:35:36 drop 200.29.XX.AAAA >hme0 product: VPN-1 & FireWall-1; src:; dst: CCC.DDD.EEE.FF; proto: icmp; icmp-type: 8; icmp-code: 0; scheme: IKE; dstkeyid: 0x7136d1c0; methods: ESP: 3DES + MD5; peer gateway: 200.HH.JJ.KK; encryption failure: Different community ID, possible NAT problem;
Any ideas where can i start looking for a solution?