I have an actual circuit using two cisco 2600 series each one with one fxs and fxo cards.
Everything is working, but i can notice that whenever i involve the calls using the fxo cards, the quality is quite far as good as the one that i have using fxs to fxs calls.
Can somebody advise me on what ios version to use? what specific configurations to make on the voice ports? so the fxo card can give me better performance?
I have an actual circuit using two cisco 2600 series each one with one fxs and fxo cards.
Everything is working, but i can notice that whenever i involve the calls using the fxo cards, the quality is quite far as good as the one that i have using fxs to fxs calls.
Can somebody advise me on what ios version to use? what specific configurations to make on the voice ports? so the fxo card can give me better performance?