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Configuring Apache for SSI

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Technical User
Mar 8, 2003
I need some help configuring Apache to use Server-Side Includes (.shtml). This is what I have changed in my htpd file so far...

LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
<Directory /htdocs>

Options +Includes


...But, I still cannot get it to run my perl script. In my .shtml document I have...

<!--#include virtual=&quot;./cgi-bin/ap_date.pl&quot; -->

..But, it is not processing this. Any help would be GREAT!
Is '/htdocs' the real file-system directory? (I have never seen someone put htdocs at the root of their filesystem).

Remember, the Directory directive is a filesyste directive, Location is 'document root' centric.

In my understanding, I need to put the directory in which I want to include in the <directory> which the files would be in htdocs....did I miss understand the tutorial from Apache??
The <Directory> directive takes a parameter that is relative to the root of your file system. What you probably want is more along the lines of:

<Directory &quot;/var/. . .

where /var/ whatever --prefix was set to during configuration.

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