I would like my Baystack 470's and Passports 8600's to send a trap to a server (like the Cisco config traps) every time I do a save config or save bootconfig. Any ideas?
The 8600 can send traps and/or syslog messages when its config is saved. Syslogs are a little easier since you don't need to run the message through any MIB files to decode them.
Here are the CLI commands I use to configure them:
I had already found that OID in RAPID-CITY but is there a way for the Passports to send a trap with that OID?? I would like to stay away from syslog if I can.
Mine are doing syslogs and SNMP traps by default with the config above. What version of microcode are you using? I seem to remember getting these traps back when we were running 3.5.x so if your at something really old like 3.3.x it might be before this trap was supported.
We are running 3.3.2 but plan on doing some major software upgrades on all of our 8600s. How do you get your Baystacks to send traps Anthony?
What i am trying to accomplish is version control. I installed SVN on a server. This way everytime a config is saved (on my Cisco routers/switches) a trap is sent and the server knows to poll that switch/router for its config and save that in its svn tree. I want to achieve the same with the Baystack and Passports but my trouble is finding a way to send traps from the Nortels.
As I recall I just enabled traps and they started working. Or at least its working now, I don't recall specifically looking for those traps before now - it might also be a feature added in the past year or so.
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