I recently purchased an HP Pavillion 8652C computer and noted that it contained a config.sys with the following entries.<br><br>dos=high,umb<br>buffers=40<br>device=c:\windows\himem.sys /testmem
ff<br>device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems<br><br>These entries are a legacy of Win 3.1. I don't use a config.sys in Win95 and I haven't encountered memory problems. Are they really necessary in Win98. When I phoned HP Support they advised that technically they're not really necessary but they can give an improved performance. They appear to be a potential troublespot for 'illegal operations' and 'blue screens'.<br><br>Isn't it supposed to be an improvement in the Win98 OS to have it manage memory? Does anybody have any comments on the requirements of these entries in CONFIG.SYS<br><br>Thanks, Doug