Does anyone have experience with a conference bridge that would work on a Norstar ICS 032 system?
My customer would want to conference 5-6 outside lines.
Info on where to get it would be helpful also.
There is a conference bridge made by forum communications called The ConferII, that I've installed and it seems to work really well with the Norstar. Their website is, you might want to check it out it looks like they came out with a newer unit called The ConferIII.
No, actually you need ATA's and Forum will recomend some that work best with their equipment. If I remember correctly MCK makes the ATA's that they will recomend.
They have new Confer III product out. A bit better than the II because it will take up to 8 callers and allow the bridge to be split for 2 groups of 4 when necessary.
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