Could some one pleas help.
I am having problems connect to an Oracle8 via ADO in VB6. It works OK on any development machine but when I try to role out the app' it fails to connect.
I have configured and tested the connection vi Oracles easy config. Thats OK
I have tried Via ODBC from Access that Is OK.
But I still cannot get by VBA to work.
Is there anything extra I need to distribute with my App'
For reference the concoction string I am using is:
Billy H
I am having problems connect to an Oracle8 via ADO in VB6. It works OK on any development machine but when I try to role out the app' it fails to connect.
I have configured and tested the connection vi Oracles easy config. Thats OK
I have tried Via ODBC from Access that Is OK.
But I still cannot get by VBA to work.
Is there anything extra I need to distribute with my App'
For reference the concoction string I am using is:
With cmdOracle
.ActiveConnection = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=WMSVIEW;User ID=WMSVIEW;Data Source=WEAR;Persist Security Info=false"
.CommandText = strSumRS
Set rs = .Execute
End With