I wanted to know how can I apply conditions for each of the 4 graphs individually.
I have 4 graphs and they are based on individual field value.
Each graphs needs to display for a particular area. Graph 1 = CX, Graph 2 = DE etc...
How do I acheive this ? I presume I will need to lay down the graphs at RF level so RF1 / RF2 / RF3 and RF4.
This is subreport and based on Financial Period. Eg. If I run this report for March 13 then Graphs needs to display from July 12 to March 13.
I have 4 fields - Calendar Month (YYYYMM) / FinancialYearStartDate / FinancialYearEndDate / FinPeriod (YYYYMM).
So how can I make it work to go back till the 1st month of the current Financial Period.
The main report works on a Calendar Month (YYYYMM) and this subreport needs to show graph values upto the current month - start of Fin Period.
Any ideas ?
I wanted to know how can I apply conditions for each of the 4 graphs individually.
I have 4 graphs and they are based on individual field value.
Each graphs needs to display for a particular area. Graph 1 = CX, Graph 2 = DE etc...
How do I acheive this ? I presume I will need to lay down the graphs at RF level so RF1 / RF2 / RF3 and RF4.
This is subreport and based on Financial Period. Eg. If I run this report for March 13 then Graphs needs to display from July 12 to March 13.
I have 4 fields - Calendar Month (YYYYMM) / FinancialYearStartDate / FinancialYearEndDate / FinPeriod (YYYYMM).
So how can I make it work to go back till the 1st month of the current Financial Period.
The main report works on a Calendar Month (YYYYMM) and this subreport needs to show graph values upto the current month - start of Fin Period.
Any ideas ?