I am charting three types of data: Actuals, original forecast and current forecast. If I use three different series, then the months without actuals have a space between original forecast and current forecast (only original forecast is showing when actuals are present). By using an if statement, I can get down to two series (original forecast and actual/current forecast combined), but when the current forecast is showing, it needs to be different color, etc.
How can I conditionally format a chart's colors? For instance, (if X = 7, format data series "red upward wide diagonal", format data series "gold solid"
I know that is not the correct terminology, but should make my problem understandable (I hope). And I do need what I would need to put in for "red upward wide diagonal".
: Deb Koplen
A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.
How can I conditionally format a chart's colors? For instance, (if X = 7, format data series "red upward wide diagonal", format data series "gold solid"
I know that is not the correct terminology, but should make my problem understandable (I hope). And I do need what I would need to put in for "red upward wide diagonal".
: Deb Koplen
A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.