Is there any way to add a conditional summary field?
In my table, I have three fields that this will involve:
LoanNumber (Can be numeric or alpha-numeric)
Balance (Currency field)
DirectDebt (Currenct field)
If the loan number is a numeric value, I want to add that amount into my subtotal. However I do NOT want to add the balance if the loan number is the same as the previous record. Also some loans numbers with an alpha-numeric value may have data in the amount that I do NOT want to include. I have created the following formula:
If {LOAN1301.LoanNumber}=Previous ({LOAN1301.LoanNumber}) then 0 else
if NumericText ({LOAN1301.LoanNumber}) then {LOAN1301.Balance} else 0
This seems to give me the correct total if I add it in my details section, but I cannot create a summary based on this field.
Clear as mud, right??
In my table, I have three fields that this will involve:
LoanNumber (Can be numeric or alpha-numeric)
Balance (Currency field)
DirectDebt (Currenct field)
If the loan number is a numeric value, I want to add that amount into my subtotal. However I do NOT want to add the balance if the loan number is the same as the previous record. Also some loans numbers with an alpha-numeric value may have data in the amount that I do NOT want to include. I have created the following formula:
If {LOAN1301.LoanNumber}=Previous ({LOAN1301.LoanNumber}) then 0 else
if NumericText ({LOAN1301.LoanNumber}) then {LOAN1301.Balance} else 0
This seems to give me the correct total if I add it in my details section, but I cannot create a summary based on this field.
Clear as mud, right??