Having trouble getting this report title to only print the Campaign name when the salesperson is null, it still puts in the Salesperson:"
if not isnull({?@SALESPERSON}) then ("Salesperson: "+{?@SALESPERSON}) + "Campaign: " + {@Report Title Line 3 Formula}
else "Campaign: " +{@Report Title Line 3 Formula}
Current result if Salesperson is null is :
Salesperson: Campaign: Purchase Follow Up
I don't want Salesperson Printed unless a value for the salesperson Parameter is entered.
if not isnull({?@SALESPERSON}) then ("Salesperson: "+{?@SALESPERSON}) + "Campaign: " + {@Report Title Line 3 Formula}
else "Campaign: " +{@Report Title Line 3 Formula}
Current result if Salesperson is null is :
Salesperson: Campaign: Purchase Follow Up
I don't want Salesperson Printed unless a value for the salesperson Parameter is entered.