Hi All,
I am trying to conditionally show a title (Taste Guide) conditionally if the taste guide field is not null on that particular page. i have tried adapting a variable count i got in a previous post.
Here is what im doing currently.
Page Header - @Taste guide text
IF numbervar y >= 1 then "Taste Guide" else " "
Count (Detail) - @Taste guide count
numbervar y;
if {FRL_LIVE_Item.Var3} <> ""
then y:=y+1
Page Reset(footer) - @TT Footer reset - taste count
numbervar Y:=0
I beleive this is something to do with @Taste guide text being in the header.
I am already using a very similar system for a Footer on the same report, please see if you beleive it could be conflicting.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
CR2008 - SQL server 2005
New CR User
I am trying to conditionally show a title (Taste Guide) conditionally if the taste guide field is not null on that particular page. i have tried adapting a variable count i got in a previous post.
Here is what im doing currently.
Page Header - @Taste guide text
IF numbervar y >= 1 then "Taste Guide" else " "
Count (Detail) - @Taste guide count
numbervar y;
if {FRL_LIVE_Item.Var3} <> ""
then y:=y+1
Page Reset(footer) - @TT Footer reset - taste count
numbervar Y:=0
I beleive this is something to do with @Taste guide text being in the header.
I am already using a very similar system for a Footer on the same report, please see if you beleive it could be conflicting.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
CR2008 - SQL server 2005
New CR User