Inherited a program to print Scheduling Labels (1-1/2" x 4") for operations on a job, using rpt. Some data is common on all labels (e.g. Job#, Customer Name) Some data is particular to an operation. Examples:
Printing - List of inks, File#, Die#
Sheeter - Raw Material to use, Roll Size, Net sizes
FYI - The top row and left margin items are common to all, the area in the middle of the label is where Operation specific data is place, hence, they cover each other in design mode.
On the label, for example, the Printing File# is in the same location as the Sheeter Roll Size
When editing these items on the rpt I must click on a common object, i.e. Customer name, and then tab through the objects until the desired one is reached.
Does anyone suggest a technique to make this easier?
Printing - List of inks, File#, Die#
Sheeter - Raw Material to use, Roll Size, Net sizes
FYI - The top row and left margin items are common to all, the area in the middle of the label is where Operation specific data is place, hence, they cover each other in design mode.
On the label, for example, the Printing File# is in the same location as the Sheeter Roll Size
When editing these items on the rpt I must click on a common object, i.e. Customer name, and then tab through the objects until the desired one is reached.
Does anyone suggest a technique to make this easier?