Any one notice that "Conditional Formatting" is not included in the Toold -> Documentator -> Reports - > * (or your favorite trouble spot ???????
Most vexing when searching for the source of a problem. The specifics appear when attempting to OPEN the report, and what appears to be a parameter prompt appears referrencing a field. Knee jerk reaction is it in the record source - - - but no, next is that it is some field reference - - NOPE; finally print the documenter for hte report: AGAIN, no reference to the phantom field!!!
Several friutless searches throughoout the whole of all later, start to re-construct the beast (report) and realize that two field have conditional formatting!!! Ligh bulbs flash (ouch hurts the eyes!!!).
Recheck original report and OH My GOODNESS there it is. A conditional Format on a field referencing the parameter!!
Most vexing when searching for the source of a problem. The specifics appear when attempting to OPEN the report, and what appears to be a parameter prompt appears referrencing a field. Knee jerk reaction is it in the record source - - - but no, next is that it is some field reference - - NOPE; finally print the documenter for hte report: AGAIN, no reference to the phantom field!!!
Several friutless searches throughoout the whole of all later, start to re-construct the beast (report) and realize that two field have conditional formatting!!! Ligh bulbs flash (ouch hurts the eyes!!!).
Recheck original report and OH My GOODNESS there it is. A conditional Format on a field referencing the parameter!!