In the “Report Footer” I have 3 Text Boxes: A/B = C (Text Box C Displays Percentages). My goal is to have green for (90-100%), purple (70-89%), and red (Less than 70%). The following Conditional Formats are set for Text Box C.
Condition 1: Field Value is: greater than or equal to 0.9, set for green
Condition 2: Field Value is: between 0.7 and 0.899, set for purple
Condition 3: Field Value is: less than 0.7, set for red.
I have no problem with the returned values; I wanted the 2 decimal places to be shown in the values; that is what I get. The problem is when the values in Text Box C change, the color is always red; ie: 31/24 = 77.42% or even if the value = 100.00%, the color is red. I have tried the whole numbers instead of decimal numbers for above 1) 90, 2) 70-89, 3)70; with no luck. The Name, Control Source and Format is provided for each of the 3 text boxes:
Text Box A: Name: Summary REQ
Control Source: =Sum([Required])
Format: 0; 0
Text Box B: Name: Summary Comp(REQ)
Control Source: =Sum(IIf([Required]=[Completed] And [Optional]>=[Completed],"1","0"
Format: 0; 0
Text Box C: Name: Percentage
Control Source: =(Sum(IIf([Required]=[Completed] And [Optional]>=[Completed],"1","0"
Format: 0; 0.00%
Any help would be helpful. Thank you. Curtis.
Condition 1: Field Value is: greater than or equal to 0.9, set for green
Condition 2: Field Value is: between 0.7 and 0.899, set for purple
Condition 3: Field Value is: less than 0.7, set for red.
I have no problem with the returned values; I wanted the 2 decimal places to be shown in the values; that is what I get. The problem is when the values in Text Box C change, the color is always red; ie: 31/24 = 77.42% or even if the value = 100.00%, the color is red. I have tried the whole numbers instead of decimal numbers for above 1) 90, 2) 70-89, 3)70; with no luck. The Name, Control Source and Format is provided for each of the 3 text boxes:
Text Box A: Name: Summary REQ
Control Source: =Sum([Required])
Format: 0; 0
Text Box B: Name: Summary Comp(REQ)
Control Source: =Sum(IIf([Required]=[Completed] And [Optional]>=[Completed],"1","0"
Format: 0; 0
Text Box C: Name: Percentage
Control Source: =(Sum(IIf([Required]=[Completed] And [Optional]>=[Completed],"1","0"
Format: 0; 0.00%
Any help would be helpful. Thank you. Curtis.