Hello, I have a continuous form that has 31 Text boxes in a row and they are named Text1, Text2, Text3 and so on and when the form is opened the 31 Text boxes are now 372 (31 horizontal x 12 vertical). I tried to use conditional formatting but it only lets you use 3 formulas. What I’m trying to do is I have 17 different letters ( X, P, V, XH, H, EA, UA, ET, UT, LE, DL, ML, FL, PL, J, F, PC ) and each letter has its own color and if I type the letter “P” in one of the 372 text boxes I would like that box to turn blue or if I type a letter “V” in one of the text boxes I would like it to turn green and so on for the 17 different letters and if I type nothing then the color stays white. How can I accomplish this?