Hi There
I have a large spreadsheet containing training data. I am trying to use an advanced filter to filter the data by manager so that I end up with a separate workbook for each manager which I then email to them.
I am using advanced filter to select the data from the main report "Colummns B:R(MyList Named Range) and create a filtered report - Starting in Column W on the same spreadsheet("Extract" Named Range"). I then copy the filtered report to a new workbook. This is all working fine.
My issue is that I would like to be able to use conditional formatting to highlight where someones training is out of date. Initially when i first created the code, I was using vba to extract the records i wanted for each manager to a new workbook then conditionally formatting the workbook, applying borders etc. This all worked ok in testing but in reality with 800+ managers it is taking a huge amount of time to run. It worked fairly quickly when i removed all the formatting code. I then tried to apply conditional formatting to the named range thinking that i could do this once and it would remain in place each time the data was cleared (using clearcontents) ready for the next manager. However. the conditional formatting was removed when the data was cleared.
Is there any way that I can keep the conditional formatting in place whilst clearing the data from the range ready for the next manager in the list and preserve the conditional formatting when the new workbook is created
I have a large spreadsheet containing training data. I am trying to use an advanced filter to filter the data by manager so that I end up with a separate workbook for each manager which I then email to them.
I am using advanced filter to select the data from the main report "Colummns B:R(MyList Named Range) and create a filtered report - Starting in Column W on the same spreadsheet("Extract" Named Range"). I then copy the filtered report to a new workbook. This is all working fine.
Sub breakMyList()
' This macro takes values in the range myList
' and breaks it in to multiple lists
' and saves them to separate files.
Dim Cell As Range
Dim curPath As String
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet
Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet
Dim SheetNames As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim LR As Long
curPath = "h:\overduereports\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each Cell In Range("lstSalesman")
[valSalesman] = Cell.Value
Range("myList").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
criteriarange:=Range("Criteria"), copyToRange:=Range("Extract"), unique:=False
Range(Range("Extract"), Range("Extract").End(xlDown)).Copy
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=curPath & Cell.Value & ".xlsx", _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
Range(Range("Extract"), Range("Extract").End(xlDown)).ClearContents
My issue is that I would like to be able to use conditional formatting to highlight where someones training is out of date. Initially when i first created the code, I was using vba to extract the records i wanted for each manager to a new workbook then conditionally formatting the workbook, applying borders etc. This all worked ok in testing but in reality with 800+ managers it is taking a huge amount of time to run. It worked fairly quickly when i removed all the formatting code. I then tried to apply conditional formatting to the named range thinking that i could do this once and it would remain in place each time the data was cleared (using clearcontents) ready for the next manager. However. the conditional formatting was removed when the data was cleared.
Is there any way that I can keep the conditional formatting in place whilst clearing the data from the range ready for the next manager in the list and preserve the conditional formatting when the new workbook is created