Group 1 header: {lwmain.caseid},{lwmain.reportdate},{lwmain.casedescription}
Details Section: {lwcase.status},{lwcase.statusdate}
I would like to conditionally count {lwmain.caseid} based on criteria from {lwcase.status}.
For example: There is only 1 Case Number {lwmain.caseid}; however, it can have mulitple date and status changes (lwcase.status},{lwcase.statusdate}
(i.e. Active, date, Inactive, date, Warrant Issued, date, Cleared by Arrest, date, Not Enough Evidence, date, etc..)
I would like to assign each Case Number {lwmain.caseid} either a 0 or 1, based on my criteria.
If {lwcase.status} has both a Warrant Issued and Cleared by Arrest under the same case number {lwmain.caseid} then 0 else 1
I can't seem to come up with a solution that works. Any help is appreciated.