I'm attempting to perform a conditional formula displayed into a graph. However, I ran into a problem creating the formula. HEre's the fields and a brief explanation of what I'm attempting to do.
1. {mApplicationStat.Timestamp} example: (CDateTime (2003, 05, 01, 00, 00, 00)
2. {mApplicationStat.Application} example: (imtw_support_app)
The Mission:
I have a graph that displays the sum of calls for a given month. The selection formula takes the calls that are answered within an application. What I would like to do is select a application for a specific dates and select another application for the rest of the dates. Then sumarize the calls answered within the applications for the given date range.
Failed Formula:
If ({mApplicationStat.Timestamp} = (CDateTime (2003, 05, 01, 00, 00, 00)) and
({mApplicationStat.Timestamp} = (CDateTime (2003, 06, 01, 00, 00, 00)) then
({mApplicationStat.Application} in "imts_fastdirect_app") else
{mApplicationStat.Application} in ["imts_techsupp2_app", "imts_saleshotline_app"]
CR VERSION: Crystal 9.0
Database: SQL 2000
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks for your help...
1. {mApplicationStat.Timestamp} example: (CDateTime (2003, 05, 01, 00, 00, 00)
2. {mApplicationStat.Application} example: (imtw_support_app)
The Mission:
I have a graph that displays the sum of calls for a given month. The selection formula takes the calls that are answered within an application. What I would like to do is select a application for a specific dates and select another application for the rest of the dates. Then sumarize the calls answered within the applications for the given date range.
Failed Formula:
If ({mApplicationStat.Timestamp} = (CDateTime (2003, 05, 01, 00, 00, 00)) and
({mApplicationStat.Timestamp} = (CDateTime (2003, 06, 01, 00, 00, 00)) then
({mApplicationStat.Application} in "imts_fastdirect_app") else
{mApplicationStat.Application} in ["imts_techsupp2_app", "imts_saleshotline_app"]
CR VERSION: Crystal 9.0
Database: SQL 2000
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks for your help...