Hello guys!
Please have a look at that link...and move across a section ... you will notice how the movies with the images are loading one after another (the menu is masked by the percentage bar).
The question:
They have a main movie in which they load the images....but the percentage bar is outside that movie...and the movies are loading one after another...how can i do that?...i have a solution but i think is too complicated ... make the percentage bar movies in the main movie, and set their width ( i've noticed is more flexible than _xscale when it comes to percentage bars) accordingly to the loading progress....load those movies in a container from the main movie and set the width like this:
progress= int(total/loaded*100);
...as for the looping load of the images: on a first frame load the first movie and stop(); and on the last frame of this movie(loaded in container from the main movie) set an action to go on a second frame where we load the second movie and stop(); ....somehow on these frames from the main movie (1 for the first movie, 2 for the second, etc...) we have to set the _width of the percentage bars ....
Sounds pretty complicated to me...so please advise
Thanks a lot!