I am trying to customize the search function provided by Volusion shop cart. The cart is written in ASP, but the search function is executed in Javascript. I have successfully built the form elements to fit into the space needed for the search function.
The problem is formatting the submit string to be a concatenation of the three form inputs into one string without the input ID's.
The result I currently get is:
What I need to get is:
The wrinkle is that "Search" is the only variable that the search function reads, so somehow I have to get the other inputs added to the Search input before the search function is invoked.
The code that I am working with follows. The issue starts at "CUSTOM CODE STARTS". The form action is set to "SearchResults.asp" which I cannot directly modify. It accepts only the "Search" variable values, hence the need to concatentate the inputs.
I do appreciate any suggestions or solutions gratefully.
The problem is formatting the submit string to be a concatenation of the three form inputs into one string without the input ID's.
The result I currently get is:
What I need to get is:
The wrinkle is that "Search" is the only variable that the search function reads, so somehow I have to get the other inputs added to the Search input before the search function is invoked.
The code that I am working with follows. The issue starts at "CUSTOM CODE STARTS". The form action is set to "SearchResults.asp" which I cannot directly modify. It accepts only the "Search" variable values, hence the need to concatentate the inputs.
[COLOR=blue]<form id="CustomSearch" name="Search" method="get" action="<%=(Config_FullStoreURL)%>SearchResults.asp">[/color]
<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="155" border="1">
<th width="10" bgcolor="#66FF66" scope="row"><span>1</span></th>
<td width="145"><p align="center">
<input type="radio" name="CartType" value="cartridge" checked="true" /><strong>
<input type="radio" name="CartType" value="toner" /><strong>
<th bgcolor="#66FF66" scope="row"><span>2</span></th>
<td><br /><p align="center"><strong>Printer Manufacturer:</strong></p>
<select name="Mfr">
<option>Select Printer Mfr</option>
<option value="Brother">Brother</option>
<option value="Canon">Canon</option>
<option value="Dell">Dell</option>
<option value="Epson">Epson</option>
<option value="HP">HP</option>
<option value="IBM">IBM</option>
<option value="Lexmark">Lexmark</option>
<option value="Okidata">Okidata</option>
<option value="Panasonic">Panasonic</option>
<option value="Pitney Bowes">Pitney Bowes</option>
<option value="Ricoh">Ricoh</option>
<option value="Samsung">Samsung</option>
<option value="Sharp">Sharp</option>
<option value="Xerox">Xerox</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<br />
<th bgcolor="#66FF66" scope="row"><span>3</span></th>
<td><div align="center"><br />
<span><strong>Cartridge Number: </strong><br />
<table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="middle" width="1%" align="right"><img src="<%=SEOImage(Config_ImagesFolder & "/clear1x1.gif")%>" width="5" height="30" align="absmiddle"></td>
<td width="40%" valign="middle">
<script language=Javascript>
// convert all characters to lowercase to simplify testing
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// note: on IE5, these return 4, so use is_ie5up to detect IE5.
var is_major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var is_minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
var is_nav = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)
&& (agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (agt.indexOf('opera')==-1)
&& (agt.indexOf('webtv')==-1));
var is_nav4 = (is_nav && (is_major == 4));
var is_nav4up = (is_nav && (is_major >= 4));
var is_navonly = (is_nav && ((agt.indexOf(";nav") != -1) ||
(agt.indexOf("; nav") != -1)) );
var is_nav5 = (is_nav && (is_major == 5));
var is_nav5up = (is_nav && (is_major >= 5));
var is_ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
var is_ie3 = (is_ie && (is_major < 4));
var is_ie4 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie 5.0")==-1) );
var is_ie4up = (is_ie && (is_major >= 4));
var is_ie5 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie 5.0")!=-1) );
var is_ie5up = (is_ie && !is_ie3 && !is_ie4);
[COLOR=blue]<script language=Javascript>
if (is_nav4) {
document.write('<input type=text name=Search value="<%=Replace(Request.QueryString("Search"),"'","\'")%>" size=7 maxlength=50>');
} else if (is_nav5up) {
document.write('<input type=text name=Search value="<%=Replace(Request.QueryString("Search"),"'","\'")%>" size=12 maxlength=50>');
} else {
document.write('<input type=text name=Search value="<%=Replace(Request.QueryString("Search"),"'","\'")%>" size=12 maxlength=50>');
</script>[/color] </td>
<td width="1%" valign="middle"><img src="<%=SEOImage(Config_ImagesFolder & "/clear1x1.gif")%>" width="3" height="1" align="absmiddle"></td>
<td width="40%" valign="middle">
[COLOR=blue]<input type="image" border="0" name="Search" src="<%=SEOImage(Config_ImagesFolder & "/buttons/btn_go.gif")%>">[/color] </td>
I do appreciate any suggestions or solutions gratefully.