I have these fields in the Detail Section: Job, Vendor, Invoice#, PO, POLN, Invoice$, Invoice Status, Paid$
and using this: {@conccat}= Job & Vendor & Invoice# & PO & POLN & Invoice$
Then go to the section expert->details->suppress->x+2 and enter:
{@concat} = previous({@concat}) :
But when the duplicates are removed and records are viewed ALL the date is correct except the Paid$ field only shows the same value in each row and it should be showing a unique value in each row.
if I then have: {@conccat}= Job & Vendor & Invoice# & PO & POLN & Invoice$ & Paid$
Then the Invoice$ field always shows the same value in each row.
and using this: {@conccat}= Job & Vendor & Invoice# & PO & POLN & Invoice$
Then go to the section expert->details->suppress->x+2 and enter:
{@concat} = previous({@concat}) :
But when the duplicates are removed and records are viewed ALL the date is correct except the Paid$ field only shows the same value in each row and it should be showing a unique value in each row.
if I then have: {@conccat}= Job & Vendor & Invoice# & PO & POLN & Invoice$ & Paid$
Then the Invoice$ field always shows the same value in each row.