I've got a very basic report completed which first groups by day then by application type. My database has a table with 3 fields: Application type (See above), order # and application detail.
Application type is a unique
Order number is a number from 1-10
Application detail is text (255chrs).
I can display the application detail sorted by order number and see the whole detail (some application detail is 4000 characters - resulting in the first record being "1" with the text, "2" the text and so on and so forth)
What I'm trying to do is concatenate all of the text for the application detail by order number grouped by application type.
Application type is a unique
Order number is a number from 1-10
Application detail is text (255chrs).
I can display the application detail sorted by order number and see the whole detail (some application detail is 4000 characters - resulting in the first record being "1" with the text, "2" the text and so on and so forth)
What I'm trying to do is concatenate all of the text for the application detail by order number grouped by application type.