Good morning!!
I am populating a combo box with the year based on the user selecting Summer or School Year from another combo box. Summer I'm all set with, but I want the School Year to look like 2008-2009 or 2007-2008 so I need to concatenate the year of the start date with the year of the end date. I'm getting an empty combo box, no errors. Here is my SQL statement. Thank you for any help you can provide.
strSQL = "SELECT Year([startdate])+ '-' +Year([enddate]) AS [Year], RolloverPeriods.Description FROM RolloverPeriods WHERE (((RolloverPeriods.Description)='sy1'));"
Me.cboYear.RowSource = strSQL
I am populating a combo box with the year based on the user selecting Summer or School Year from another combo box. Summer I'm all set with, but I want the School Year to look like 2008-2009 or 2007-2008 so I need to concatenate the year of the start date with the year of the end date. I'm getting an empty combo box, no errors. Here is my SQL statement. Thank you for any help you can provide.
strSQL = "SELECT Year([startdate])+ '-' +Year([enddate]) AS [Year], RolloverPeriods.Description FROM RolloverPeriods WHERE (((RolloverPeriods.Description)='sy1'));"
Me.cboYear.RowSource = strSQL