Using CR XI...
The SQL database I'm using has a VarChar field I must compute value ranges on, but the data contains values I can't work with. The field is called PlanCompleted and represents (yes) the percentage of education that was completed. However, the fact that the field is VarChar has allowed the population of really bad data: "-100%", "38.5", "N/A", "100000%", " ", etc., as well as "normal" a/n values of "10", "45", "99", etc.
Is there a way I can convert the data to a numeric value and use that result for comparison? I don't know enough about using temporary values and intermediate computations in formulas to write the code I;d probable need, so I'd also need an example. TIA
Here's the formula I started with before I discovered the data really stinks:
// @numGrad60_69 - counts the PlanCompleted values of 60-69 MRCopeland 10/21/2008
if(({CBSIntakeDischarge.PlanCompleted} >= "60") and ({CBSIntakeDischarge.PlanCompleted} <= "69")) then 1 else 0
The SQL database I'm using has a VarChar field I must compute value ranges on, but the data contains values I can't work with. The field is called PlanCompleted and represents (yes) the percentage of education that was completed. However, the fact that the field is VarChar has allowed the population of really bad data: "-100%", "38.5", "N/A", "100000%", " ", etc., as well as "normal" a/n values of "10", "45", "99", etc.
Is there a way I can convert the data to a numeric value and use that result for comparison? I don't know enough about using temporary values and intermediate computations in formulas to write the code I;d probable need, so I'd also need an example. TIA
Here's the formula I started with before I discovered the data really stinks:
// @numGrad60_69 - counts the PlanCompleted values of 60-69 MRCopeland 10/21/2008
if(({CBSIntakeDischarge.PlanCompleted} >= "60") and ({CBSIntakeDischarge.PlanCompleted} <= "69")) then 1 else 0