I am trying to execute the compound IIf function below. Each of these work fine individually, but when I put in the AND to join the 2, it doesn't work. The logic is if the day of week is Wed,Thur,Fri or Sat, and the 2 dates are in the same week count, then value is "NotbackDated. Should this work?
IIf(DayofWeek="Wednesday" Or DayofWeek="Saturday" Or DayofWeek="Friday" Or DayofWeek="Thursday" And Format([SISSEffectiveDt],"ww")=Format([SUBM Processed Dt],"ww"),"NotBackDated","BackDated") AS Pricing
IIf(DayofWeek="Wednesday" Or DayofWeek="Saturday" Or DayofWeek="Friday" Or DayofWeek="Thursday" And Format([SISSEffectiveDt],"ww")=Format([SUBM Processed Dt],"ww"),"NotBackDated","BackDated") AS Pricing