i want to see if this code will do what i want:<br><br>if(var eff = new action(20) //i am declaring a new array<br>eff[0]=anyvalue; //i list all the elements of <br>" " " " " " //of the array<br>{<br>var bgpe = 4500;<br>var bpe = 0; <br><br>here is the problematic part i want to test every slot in the array eff.<br><br>while ((eff * bpge)<130000){<br>bpge += bpe; ++eff <br>}<br>break;<br>bepea=new bpe(20)<br> <br>then store every computed value from eff * bpge in the variable bpe as an array so that i can use it in other functions or methods.<br><br>1)will this code do that? <br><br>2)if not what would be the proper syntax? <br><br>3)or can i even make an array from a computed variable using java script?