I have a report with a couple of nested subreports, so the subreport data is nicely indented in the output. Can I export that nice page layout to an excel spreadsheet?
Daniel Dillon
O o . (<--- brain shrinking at rate shown.)
Can I export that nice page layout to an excel spreadsheet?"
NICE? A report like you are describing, is a NIGHTMARE in Excel. Why would you do that to anyone? I detest getting "reports" in Excel, unless they are also backed up with source data.
Skip, Don't let the Diatribe...
talk you to death! Just traded in my old subtlety... for a NUANCE!
The customer needs to get a subset of the data in a manageable spreadsheet format for their own purposes. May include just reading, copy/paste, graphing or just storage.
The customer doesn't want/need a database. So it is formatted rows with about 5 layers of indented subheadings for easy reading. The info is also output in a joined query for reading in ARCView.
This makes sense, doesn't it? Am I missing something?
Daniel Dillon
O o . (<--- brain shrinking at rate shown.)
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