I have two tables, Work Orders and Work Order Details, in the following relationship: _WORKORD_ 1:M _WORKDET_ .
Here's the pseudocode I am trying to implement:
Display all Work Orders with Work Order Detail equal to C, except those with Work Order Details equal to Y or Z.
_WORKORD_ has one field I am concerned with: _WORKORD_.SEQUENCE (Autogenerated primary key).
_WORKDET_ has only two fields that I am concerned with:
1. The foreign key linking back to [_WORKORD_] named WO# (_WORKDET_.WO)
2. Work Order Detail Name (_WORKDET_.NAME)
The Record Selection Formula I wrote is actually this:
All this code does is omit the Details Y and Z from the report. I'm stumped.
Here's the pseudocode I am trying to implement:
Display all Work Orders with Work Order Detail equal to C, except those with Work Order Details equal to Y or Z.
_WORKORD_ has one field I am concerned with: _WORKORD_.SEQUENCE (Autogenerated primary key).
_WORKDET_ has only two fields that I am concerned with:
1. The foreign key linking back to [_WORKORD_] named WO# (_WORKDET_.WO)
2. Work Order Detail Name (_WORKDET_.NAME)
The Record Selection Formula I wrote is actually this:
({_WORKDET_.NAME} = "A") and not ({_WORKDET_.NAME} in ["Y", "Z"])
All this code does is omit the Details Y and Z from the report. I'm stumped.