referring to forum discussion
(Complement Set in Crystal Reports)
I am now trying to go a step further in displaying the missing event codes.
I am not trying to create an array based on conditional events. Let me explain:
What i have at the moment is
stringvar x;
if not({EDI_315_Events.EVENTCODE} in x) then
x:= x + {EDI_315_Events.EVENTCODE} + ", ";
if {v_oihouse.CUSTOMER} = "BELK" then
stringvar x;
stringvar array y := ["AE","VD","VA","UV","OA","AV"];
numbervar i;
numbervar j := ubound
stringvar z;
for i := 1 to j do(
if not(y in x) and
not(y in z) then
z:= z + y + ", ");
if len(z)>2 then
else if {v_oihouse.CUSTOMER} = "BROOKSTONE STORES, INC" then
stringvar x;
stringvar array y := ["AE","VD","VA","UV","OA","I","CR","CT","AL","RL","AR","AV"];
numbervar i;
numbervar j := ubound
stringvar z;
for i := 1 to j do(
if not(y in x) and
not(y in z) then
z:= z + y + ", ");
if len(z)>2 then
What I want to do now, is to check the missing event codes. For example, for "AR", before putting that into the array, I want to check to see if
masterbill.FINALETA <= CurrentDate
if YES then "AR" will need to be added into the array to be displayed.
Even if "AR" is missing, it should only be displayed if the new condition applies.
(Complement Set in Crystal Reports)
I am now trying to go a step further in displaying the missing event codes.
I am not trying to create an array based on conditional events. Let me explain:
What i have at the moment is
stringvar x;
if not({EDI_315_Events.EVENTCODE} in x) then
x:= x + {EDI_315_Events.EVENTCODE} + ", ";
if {v_oihouse.CUSTOMER} = "BELK" then
stringvar x;
stringvar array y := ["AE","VD","VA","UV","OA","AV"];
numbervar i;
numbervar j := ubound
stringvar z;
for i := 1 to j do(
if not(y in x) and
not(y in z) then
z:= z + y + ", ");
if len(z)>2 then
else if {v_oihouse.CUSTOMER} = "BROOKSTONE STORES, INC" then
stringvar x;
stringvar array y := ["AE","VD","VA","UV","OA","I","CR","CT","AL","RL","AR","AV"];
numbervar i;
numbervar j := ubound
stringvar z;
for i := 1 to j do(
if not(y in x) and
not(y in z) then
z:= z + y + ", ");
if len(z)>2 then
What I want to do now, is to check the missing event codes. For example, for "AR", before putting that into the array, I want to check to see if
masterbill.FINALETA <= CurrentDate
if YES then "AR" will need to be added into the array to be displayed.
Even if "AR" is missing, it should only be displayed if the new condition applies.