I am not a FOx programmer. I am a strong Clipper or weak C+ programmer. Several years ago my best friend of 30 years died. He had written a software package to run his company, now the current owner is panicky. The entire computer system is setup with the old LANtastic cards., Most of the operating systems are DOS or WIN 98SE. Some of the computers date back 15 years. He needs changes made desparately, and needs the program to run on a more modern operating system.
It appears the EXE was built from multiple APP or PJX files. I figured out how to make these files after several weeks. However, how do I compile these multiple files to one EXE?
The code needs to be rewritten in a more modern language but immediately it needs changes NOW. ANYONE?
It appears the EXE was built from multiple APP or PJX files. I figured out how to make these files after several weeks. However, how do I compile these multiple files to one EXE?
The code needs to be rewritten in a more modern language but immediately it needs changes NOW. ANYONE?