Technical User
I have a form that is used to display my applications Logo and the last time it was updated/compliled. Thinking that the #Define line of code is only read during Compile time I define a constant 'DATECOMPILED' and then used this constant in a label to display the last time the application was updated. My problem is that the date changes every day instead of staying constant to the date I compiled the application. What am I missing in the following code or doing wrong?
Form ETS_logo.scx
Init Method
Form ETS_logo.scx
Init Method
#Define DATECOMPILED DtoC(Date())
Thisform.LblUpdate.Caption="Last Update "+;
"Server Build Team"+Chr(13)+;
"Routing (xxxx) "+Chr(13)+;
"Att: ETS Application Manager"+Chr(13)+;
"Phone Ext: 4357 (Help Desk)"