Hey all...
Why am I getting this error. I'm sure it has to do something with " and ', but I can't figure it out. Could someone look at this line and see if you can crack the code?! I get a Expected: end of statement error box
Why am I getting this error. I'm sure it has to do something with " and ', but I can't figure it out. Could someone look at this line and see if you can crack the code?! I get a Expected: end of statement error box
TempR.Sheets(1).Cells(q, 18).Formula = "=VLOOKUP($E5 & "-BI",'G:\ACIC Weekly Conversion Report\OH\1Data\[ACIC Weekly Conversion Report - Auto Attr (" rYear & rMonth & rDay ").xls]ACIC Weekly Conversion Report - Auto Attr (" rYear & rMonth & Rday ")'!$B$2:$K$65536,5,FALSE)&"/"&VLOOKUP($E5 & "-PD",'G:\ACIC Weekly Conversion Report\OH\1Data\[ACIC Weekly Conversion Report - Auto Attr (" rYear & rMonth & rDay ").xls]ACIC Weekly Conversion Report - Auto Attr (" rYear & rMonth & rDay ")'!$B$2:$K$65536,5,FALSE)"