I tried, but failed at fixing this one. Thanks in advance to anyone trying.
LessonServlet.java:34: Public class CourseServlet must be defined in a file call
ed "CourseServlet.java".
public class CourseServlet extends HttpServlet
It would be nice if you would post your code for easyer debugging, but I think that it's telling you to rename your program "CourseServlet.java" because of the statement at the top "public class CourseServlet {", that should be the first line of code after any imports you might make. Either change the code to" public class LessonServlet {" or change the name of the file to "CourseServlet.java".
Your class needs to be the same name as the file. In your case you need to do one of two things:
1) Change the filename to CourseServlet.java
2) Change the classname to LessonServlet Wushutwist
Just a typo there, they are both matched in the script...LOL
New error when I -deprecated the compile
LessonServlet.java:87: Note: The method java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String) in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession has been deprecated.
Integer studentID = (Integer) session.getValue ("studentID"
LessonServlet.java:96: Note: The method void putValue(java.lang.String, java.lan
g.Object) in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession has been deprecated.session.putValue ("courseID", new Integer (courseID));
Note: LessonServlet.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Please consult the
documentation for a better alternative.
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