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Compile error, Cant pass two variables to function 1

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Mar 5, 2009
I am using access 2003. I am trying to pass two variables to a function with no luck. I am new to passing variables so Im not sure if I picked the correct reference type, I have picked byref I am not sure that is the correct choice. What I am trying to do is develop a procedure that loops through all the tables in a database and tells me what the table name is, field name, data type, and all the other fields that are associted with the data type such as Field Size, Format, input mask,etc and export the data to excel. I had it working where it would tell me the table name, Field name and Description. I noticed as I looked at the tables that the field type changes depending on what type of datatype you have so I am trying to change field names to line up with what the data really is. The line Call GetRowType(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld), ByRef fRow as Integer) is what is giving me the problem. ByRef fRow as Integer is what I recently added.Any help would be appreciated.

Public Sub cmdTblInfo_Click()
    Dim lTbl As Long
    Dim lFld As Long
    Dim lDFld As String
    Dim dBase As DAO.Database
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim wbExcel As Object
    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim fRow As Long
    Dim dtDate As Date
    Dim strFileLoc As String
    Dim strOpenFile As String
    Dim strSaveFile As String
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim DtaTyp As String
     'Set current database to a variable adn create a new Excel instance
    Set dBase = CurrentDb
     'Set on error in case there are no tables
    On Error Resume Next
    Call XLCreate
    If gbXLPresent = True Then
        'OPEN EXCEL
        With goXL
            strFileLoc = "Z:\Adhoc projects\WMG\"
            strOpenFile = "TableDescriptions" & ".xlt"
            .Workbooks.Open FileName:=strFileLoc & strOpenFile
            'Select Sheetname for information to go into.
            .Cells(1, 1).Select
        End With
            lRow = 1
            fRow = 1
            'Loop through all tables
            For lTbl = 0 To dBase.TableDefs.Count
            'If the table name is a temporary or system table then ignore it
                If Left(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 1) = "~" Or _
                Left(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 4) = "MSYS" Then
                '~ indicates a temporary table
                'MSYS indicates a system level table
                    If fRow = 1 Then
                        With goXL.ActiveSheet
                        .Range("A" & fRow) = "Table Name"
                        .Range("B" & fRow) = "Field Name"
                        'ByVal vntMyArgument As Variant
                [red]        Call GetRowType(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld), ByRef fRow as Integer)[/red]
                        End With
                        Call XLFormatAutoFit(1, 12)
                        Call XLFormatFreezeTopRow
                        'Otherwise, loop through each table, writing the table and field names
                        'to the Excel file
                            For lFld = 0 To dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields.Count - 1
                                lRow = fRow + 1
                                With goXL.ActiveSheet
                                .Range("A" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name
                                .Range("B" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Name
                                .Range("C" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Type
                                .Range("C" & lRow) = GetDataType(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld))
                                .Range("D" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Type
                                .Range("D" & lRow) = GetField(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld))
                                .Range("E" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Decimcal Places")
                                .Range("E" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Description")
                                .Range("F" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).DefaultValue
                                .Range("G" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Required
                                    If .Range("G" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Required = False Then
                                    .Range("G" & lRow) = "No"
                                    End If
                                    If .Range("G" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Required = True Then
                                    .Range("G" & lRow) = "Yes"
                                    End If
                                    If .Range("H" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).AllowZeroLength = False Then
                                    .Range("H" & lRow) = "No"
                                    End If
                                    If .Range("H" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).AllowZeroLength = True Then
                                    .Range("H" & lRow) = "Yes"
                                    End If
                                .Range("I" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Input Mask")
                                .Range("J" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Indexes.Count
                                '.Range("J" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Decimcal Places")
                                '.Range("E" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Description")
                                Call XLFormatAutoFit(1, 12)
'                               .Range("F" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Default Value")
'                               .Range("G" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Required")
'                               .Range("H" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Allow Zero Length")
'                               .Range("I" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Indexed")
'                               .Range("J" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Decimal Places")
'                               .Range("K" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Input Mask")
'                               .Range("L" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Properties("Format")
                                End With
                            Next lFld
                    End If 'fRow
                End If ' Temp table check If Left(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 1) = "~" Or
            Next lTbl
    'End If ' Loop for Table names     'Resume error breaks
    On Error GoTo 0
    With goXL.ActiveWorkbook
                  strFileLoc = "Z:\Adhoc projects\WMG\"
                  strSaveFile = "TableDescriptions" & parseRptDateMY
                  .SaveAs strFileLoc & strSaveFile & ".xls"
                End With
                MsgBox "Can't create Excel Object", vbOKOnly, "Excel not found"
    End If 'gbXLPresent
'Message Excel Is closed
' Close Excel Instance
Call XLKill
' Message it is closed
 MsgBox "Reports Completed.", , "Done!"
     'Release database object from memory
    Set dBase = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetField(F As Field) As String
Dim FieldType As String
Dim DtaType As String
Select Case (F.Type)
Case dbBoolean: FieldType = "Yes/No"
Case dbByte: FieldType = "Byte"
Case dbInteger: FieldType = "Integer"
Case dbCurrency: FieldType = "Currency"
Case dbSingle: FieldType = "Single"
Case dbDouble: FieldType = "Double"
Case dbDate: FieldType = "Date/Time"
Case dbBinary: FieldType = "Binary"
Case dbLongBinary: FieldType = "OLE Object"
Case dbText: FieldType = "Text"
'If (F.Attributes = 2) Then
'FieldType = "Currency"
'End If

Case dbGUID: FieldType = "Replication ID"
Case dbBigInt: FieldType = "Big Integer"        '16
Case dbVarBinary: FieldType = "VarBinary"       '17
Case dbChar: FieldType = "Char"                 '18
Case dbNumeric: FieldType = "Numeric"           '19
Case dbDecimal: FieldType = "Decimal"           '20
Case dbFloat: FieldType = "Float"               '21
Case dbTime: FieldType = "Time"                 '22
Case dbTimeStamp: FieldType = "Time Stamp"      '23
Case dbGUID: FieldType = "Number"
Case dbFixedField: FieldType = "Fixed Field Numeric Only"
Case dbVariableField: FieldType = "Variable Field Text Fields only"
Case dbLong
If (F.Attributes = 17) Then
FieldType = "AutoNumber"
FieldType = "Long Integer"
End If
Case dbVariableField

Case dbNumeric

Case dbFixedField

Case dbUpdatableField

Case dbDescending

Case dbMemo
If (F.Attributes = 2) Then
FieldType = "Memo"
FieldType = "HyperLink"
End If
If F.Attributes > 0 And F.Attributes < 9 And F.Attributes <> 2 Then
DtaTyp = "Number"
End If
'default: FieldType = "Other"
End Select

GetField = FieldType
End Function

Function GetFieldDescription(F As Field) As String
Dim Description As String
Description = ""
On Error Resume Next
Description = F.Properties("Description")
GetFieldDescription = Description
End Function

Function GetDataType(D As Field) As String
Dim FieldType As String
Dim DtaType As String
Select Case (D.Type)
Case dbBoolean: FieldType = "Yes/No"
'Case dbByte: FieldType = "Byte"
Case dbByte: FieldType = "Number"
'Case dbInteger: FieldType = "Integer"
Case dbInteger: FieldType = "Number"
Case dbLong:
    If (D.Attributes = 1) Then
    FieldType = "Number"
    FieldType = "AutoNumber"
    End If
Case dbCurrency: FieldType = "Currency"
'Case dbSingle: FieldType = "Single"
Case dbSingle: FieldType = "Number"
'Case dbDouble: FieldType = "Double"
Case dbDouble: FieldType = "Number"
Case dbDate: FieldType = "Date/Time"
Case dbBinary: FieldType = "Binary"
Case dbLongBinary: FieldType = "OLE Object"
Case dbText: FieldType = "Text"
'Case dbText
'If (D.Attributes = 2) Then
'FieldType = "Currency"
'FieldType = "Text"
'End If
Case dbBigInt: FieldType = "Big Integer"        '16
Case dbVarBinary: FieldType = "VarBinary"       '17
Case dbChar: FieldType = "Char"                 '18
Case dbNumeric: FieldType = "Numeric"           '19
Case dbDecimal: FieldType = "Number"            '20
Case dbFloat: FieldType = "Float"               '21
Case dbTime: FieldType = "Time"                 '22
Case dbTimeStamp: FieldType = "Time Stamp"      '23
Case dbGUID: FieldType = "Number"
Case dbFixedField: FieldType = "Fixed Field Numeric Only"
Case dbVariableField: FieldType = "Variable Field Text Fields only"

Case dbVariableField

Case dbNumeric

Case dbFixedField

Case dbUpdatableField

Case dbDescending

Case dbMemo
If (D.Attributes = 2) Then
FieldType = "Memo"
FieldType = "HyperLink"
End If

'default: FieldType = "Other"
End Select

GetDataType = FieldType
'GetFieldType1 = DataType
End Function

Function GetRowType(R As Field, fRow As Integer) As String
Dim RowType As String

Select Case (R.Type)
 Case dbText
        'Text Format
        If (R.Attributes = 2) Then
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Field Size"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Input Mask"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Default Value"
                .Range("H" & fRow) = "Required"
                .Range("I" & fRow) = "Allow Zero Length"
                .Range("J" & fRow) = "Indexed"
            End With
            'Currency Format
             With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Decimal Place"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Input Mask"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Default Value"
                .Range("H" & fRow) = "Required"
                .Range("I" & fRow) = "Indexed"
             End With
        End If
    Case dbMemo
        'Memo Format
        If (R.Attributes = 2) Then
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Default Value"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Required"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Allow Zero Length"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Indexed"
            End With
            'Hyperlink Format
             With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Default Value"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Required"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Allow Zero Length"
                .Range("H" & fRow) = "Indexed"
             End With
End If
   Case dbLong:
    If (R.Attributes = 1) Then
            'Number Format
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Field Size"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Input Mask"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Default Value"
                .Range("H" & fRow) = "Required"
                .Range("I" & fRow) = "Allow Zero Length"
                .Range("J" & fRow) = "Indexed"
            End With
            'AutoNumber Format
        With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Field Size"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "New Values"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Indexed"
        End With
    End If
     Case dbDate:
    'Date/Time Format
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Input Mask"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Default Value"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Required"
                .Range("H" & fRow) = "Indexed"
             End With
    Case dbBoolean
    'Yes/No Format
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Format"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("E" & fRow) = "Default Value"
                .Range("F" & fRow) = "Required"
                .Range("G" & fRow) = "Indexed"
             End With
     Case dbLongBinary
        'OLE Object
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Range("C" & fRow) = "Caption"
                .Range("D" & fRow) = "Required"
            End With
''Case dbByte: FieldType = "Byte"
'Case dbByte: FieldType = "Number"
''Case dbInteger: FieldType = "Integer"
'Case dbInteger: FieldType = "Number"
'Case dbSingle: FieldType = "Single"
'Case dbSingle: FieldType = "Number"
'Case dbDouble: FieldType = "Double"
'Case dbDouble: FieldType = "Number"
'Case dbDate: FieldType = "Date/Time"
'Case dbBinary: FieldType = "Binary"
'Case dbText: FieldType = "Text"
'Case dbText
'If (D.Attributes = 2) Then
'FieldType = "Currency"
'FieldType = "Text"
'End If
'Case dbBigInt: FieldType = "Big Integer"        '16
'Case dbVarBinary: FieldType = "VarBinary"       '17
'Case dbChar: FieldType = "Char"                 '18
'Case dbNumeric: FieldType = "Numeric"           '19
'Case dbDecimal: FieldType = "Number"            '20
'Case dbFloat: FieldType = "Float"               '21
'Case dbTime: FieldType = "Time"                 '22
'Case dbTimeStamp: FieldType = "Time Stamp"      '23
'Case dbGUID: FieldType = "Number"
'Case dbFixedField: FieldType = "Fixed Field Numeric Only"
'Case dbVariableField: FieldType = "Variable Field Text Fields only"
'Case dbVariableField
'Case dbNumeric
'Case dbFixedField
'Case dbUpdatableField
'Case dbDescending
'default: FieldType = "Other"
End Select

GetRowType = FieldType
'GetFieldType1 = DataType
End Function
Function GetRowType(byref R As Field, byval fRow As Integer) As String
Also, take out the qualifiers in the call:

Call GetRowType(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld), fRow )
I was getting a dattype error so I changed the call to

Call GetRowType(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld), CStr(fRow))
and it works! Thanks !!!

In fact, make it a Sub since you are just throwing the return value away by using Call.
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