Ok I am a little confused about the way VBScript handles variables in comparisons.<br><br>Lets say I have the following code:<br><br>Dim var1, var2<br><br>var1 = "0"<br><br>Do While var1 < 5<br> Response.Write var1 & vbcrlf<br> var1 = var1 + 1<br>Loop<br><br>This will run as expected and print the value of var1 5 times<br><br>This code:<br><br>Dim var1, var2<br>var1 = "0"<br>var2 = 5<br><br>Do While var1 < var2<br> Response.Write var1 & vbcrlf<br> var1 = var1 + 1<br>Loop<br><br>will not execute anything inside of the do/while loop<br><br>This code:<br><br>Dim var1, var2<br>var1 = "0"<br>var2 = "5"<br><br>Do While var1 < var2<br> Response.Write var1 & vbcrlf<br> var1 = var1 + 1<br>Loop<br><br>will just keep going and going and never end until the server says it has been executing too long<br><br>--------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Basically what I want to do is take a range of numbers from an html form and iterate through them. When I request it from the form it comes to the variable as a string. <br><br>When I try to compare the numbers<br>If Number1 < Number2 Then<br> ...<br>End If<br><br>will not execute. and if i print the values of the numbers out, i will see that for instance, Number1 = 25 and Number2 = 30 so Number1 is less than Number2.<br><br>Im guessing that this is an issue with it being a string. So what I want to know is, how can I evaluate what I want to evaluate?<br>Supposedly all variables are variant in VBScript and I cannot find any commands that will convert between a string and a number.<br><br>Any information would be greatly appreciated. ;-)<br><br>It is possible that I am overlooking something very simple so be gentle. Heh. I am a C/C++ programmer thrown into a world of ASP and VBScript.<br><br><br><br><br>