I have 2 tables (A and B). A has 3 fields (City, State, Phone) and B has 2 (City, State). I need to find records that exist in A but not B, ignoring the Phone field, since it doesnt exist in table B. For instance:
Keep in mind that table B has 400,000 records and table A has 8,000 records. Also, I have simplified the tables a great deal (meaning these fields are the only ones that I am concerned about). Thanks a bunch.
Table A:
City | State | Phone
Atlanta GA 7707877777
Memphis TN 2017823733
Dallas TX 2936351212
LA CA 7364928377
Table B:
City | State
Boston MA
Dallas TX
San F. CA
Atlanta GA
City | State | Phone
Memphis TN 2017823733
LA CA 7364928377