Can someone suggest any solution to this problem I am facing.
I have two values that I would like to compare to see if they are the same. However when I use it in a "if" statement it does not equaluate to the same value, however printing it out on the screen displays it as being the same value. Below my code.
Note: The values are numeric values
UserID = Request.Form("UserList"
AuthornameQry = "PublicationRelation.AuthorID" &_
"FROM PublicationRelation "
Set ast = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
ast.Open AuthorNameQry, strProvider
authorid = ast.Fields("AuthorID".Value
if "&authorid&" = "&UserID&" then
Response.Write " Same Author "
Response.Write " Different Author "
end if
Any suggestions will be grateful
I have two values that I would like to compare to see if they are the same. However when I use it in a "if" statement it does not equaluate to the same value, however printing it out on the screen displays it as being the same value. Below my code.
Note: The values are numeric values
UserID = Request.Form("UserList"
AuthornameQry = "PublicationRelation.AuthorID" &_
"FROM PublicationRelation "
Set ast = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
ast.Open AuthorNameQry, strProvider
authorid = ast.Fields("AuthorID".Value
if "&authorid&" = "&UserID&" then
Response.Write " Same Author "
Response.Write " Different Author "
end if
Any suggestions will be grateful