I'm looking at admissions, discharges, and programs of individuals within a hospital setting. An easy sort to look at individual occurences. I am grouping by client ID. Each line of information has admit date, discharge date, program, entry date, Episode number, and client ID. I am trying to create a report that combines episodes that have either an overlap of admissions or have an admission within 1 day of discharge. From this information I need to derive the initial start date / program / episode # of this defined chain of services, and the discharge date / program / episode # of the last program he was discharged from in this chain of services. (this would be null if the client is not yet disharged from the last episode) Note that a client could have multiple chains of services. I've created a formula to define the episode order by admission date. I was trying to complete this without creating a series of subreports but I might have to proceed that way. I thought I could create a subreport for each episode number and create a variable to push forward the needed information into one report. Or would it be better to create a sql command line combining info before sorting in a single report?