I've got a spreadsheet consisting of about 10000 rows of data. On each row is something like this.
Companyname Contact Phone number email
3M jon doe 763-555-5555 jdoe@mmm.com
3M bill fre 763-555-5556 bfree@mmm.com
Medtronic sam jan 612-555-5557 sjan@medtronic.com
Medtronic art smart 952-999-5556 asmart@medtronic.com
Medtronic vicky lake 987-888-4456 vlake@medtronic.com
And sometimes these companies have like 20 entries. There is probably a total of 6000 companies in this spreadsheet. All I'm trying to do is a comparison on column A. Wondering if there is a way to have vb store A2 as a variable. The compare that against the next cell A3. If there is a match, compare it against A4. In this case A3 would not match and so the application would reset variable and do nothing. But if the match occured more than twice, every row that the application matched on including the originating row would be Activecell.entirerow.delete
Any ideas? I'm a pretty fluent perl,php guy and I know compare functions in those languages use a "like" funtion. I think the same applies here but I just don't know how to make vb look at a cell, compare it, and loop until an event.
I've got a spreadsheet consisting of about 10000 rows of data. On each row is something like this.
Companyname Contact Phone number email
3M jon doe 763-555-5555 jdoe@mmm.com
3M bill fre 763-555-5556 bfree@mmm.com
Medtronic sam jan 612-555-5557 sjan@medtronic.com
Medtronic art smart 952-999-5556 asmart@medtronic.com
Medtronic vicky lake 987-888-4456 vlake@medtronic.com
And sometimes these companies have like 20 entries. There is probably a total of 6000 companies in this spreadsheet. All I'm trying to do is a comparison on column A. Wondering if there is a way to have vb store A2 as a variable. The compare that against the next cell A3. If there is a match, compare it against A4. In this case A3 would not match and so the application would reset variable and do nothing. But if the match occured more than twice, every row that the application matched on including the originating row would be Activecell.entirerow.delete
Any ideas? I'm a pretty fluent perl,php guy and I know compare functions in those languages use a "like" funtion. I think the same applies here but I just don't know how to make vb look at a cell, compare it, and loop until an event.