We have 2 web addresses which will link a person to our company website--each of which are working fine when accessing them off of our LAN.
When I go to access one of the web addresses from within our LAN i get the error "Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable.Please check back later."
However, when I use our other web address (which ultimately links to the same web page)it works fine from w/in our LAN.
I'm perplexed as to why this is occurring. I noticed the problem this morning (worked fine yesterday and no changes have been made).
When I go to access one of the web addresses from within our LAN i get the error "Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable.Please check back later."
However, when I use our other web address (which ultimately links to the same web page)it works fine from w/in our LAN.
I'm perplexed as to why this is occurring. I noticed the problem this morning (worked fine yesterday and no changes have been made).