I am trying to compare date from a file which i infile from a text file to data from and actual file which i get through looking at it's attributes. The problems is i am checking that: A. the files names are the same, B. The file size is the same, and C. That the date modified is the same. The data that i'm in fileing is in the form of text or in other words character arrays. However the attributes that i'm getting are not of this type (well the file name is). One is of type '_fsize_t' the other 'time_t'. I'm failry sure that _fsize_t amounts to an int. I'm not so sure about the time_t. I'm not sure how i can compare these files. I pressume you need to do something like type casting the data before making the comparison but i can't seem to figure how to do that. Any suggestions would be great.