No Spell Checker Icon:
Click the Office button.
Click Access Options (at the bottom right).
Choose Customize.
Select Popular Commands from the Choose Commands From list.
Scroll down and select Spelling.
Click Add.
Click OK.
Name Conflicts:
Access 2007 doesn’t handle forms that share the same name as a table or query, which was never a problem in earlier versions. It’s supposed to, but it doesn’t. You might get one of two errors if a form is named the same as a table or query:
The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn’t exist.
The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure]. There may have been an error evaluation the function, event, or macro.
Rich text is unavailable in subforms
Microsoft has added rich text capability to 2007 text controls sometimes. Okay, the truth is, the capability is there, but you might not know how to put it to work because the Format ribbon is unavailable in Form View. However, you can use the tools in the Font group sometimes. This group is disabled for subforms. What all that means is you can’t assign formats to a rich text control in a subform using a tool or menu.
Thats' not the only bug. I've compiled a list of a few more.
The most glaring one is that Access quites responding when you tab into a date field on a linked/OBDC table. And, for some strange reason, minimizing the ribbon correxts this behaivor.
I've also had tables and queries get "out of reach" in the design iew of a query. That is, you can move the table so the top part is out of the GUI, and not be able to drag it back in.
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