We have two Sun Sparc systems running on the xxx.xxx.1.xxx network and can be access fine by machines on that subnet. We are able the ping one of the machines from the xxx.xxx.2.xxx network, but we are not able to ping or communicate with the other machine on the (1) subnet from the (2) subnet.
I'm not a unix junkie but our unix people are feeling this is a switch problem. We networking folk feel otherwise since we are able to communicate with one machine through the same switch.
The machines are "configured" the same. The net mask on both machines are the same.
Any ideas? Thanks for any input.
I'm not a unix junkie but our unix people are feeling this is a switch problem. We networking folk feel otherwise since we are able to communicate with one machine through the same switch.
The machines are "configured" the same. The net mask on both machines are the same.
Any ideas? Thanks for any input.